
Beatlesverse, Fantasy Albums UBP Producer Beatlesverse, Fantasy Albums UBP Producer

Ep. 193 | “Problematic” Beatles Fantasy Albums

You got a problem with me, guy?

What about The Beatles, you don't got a problem with them, right? Because some of their songs, depending who you ask, are pretty darn problematic. Where's Jerry Falwell when you need him? Oh, yeah, dead! He Gone!!! 🥰

Tony and T.J. attempt very hard to get cancelled as they debate which Beatles songs are, to quote Lindsey Buckingham, Trouble; as they discuss their unique and very real compilations of Problematic Beatles Songs.

Along the way, Tony, T.J., and stone cold early 90s Miami DJ legend - nepotism alert! - DJ Double DJ, discuss these dirty, Murica hatin songs and also ask:

🤡 Is Matt Gaetz's favorite song, "I Saw Her Standing There"? Because, she was just 17? #GaetzyPuckett

👸 (Our Chicago friend at the bar. It's 3pm, he hasn't showered in a bit, and he just called the RC Cola delivery guy "Ozzie Guillen, Jr.") "How come Queen and Fred McMercury stole that big butts song from the Beatles and then Sir Mix A A Lot made a rap song about it? And how come rap music don't go away,  so I can feel comfortable again??"

🥛🎙️ If one man makes another man "spit on his microphone", is it probably at Matt Gaetz's house?


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Fantasy Albums, Re-Run UBP Producer Fantasy Albums, Re-Run UBP Producer

Ep. 129.1 | The Beatles’ (Fantasy) Summer LP

[Originally released July 22, 2023]

Rumour has it, if you mash up The Beach Boys' "Endless Summer" compilation with the Grease showstopper "Summer Nights", you get 137th Beatle Richard Marx's classic cassingle, "Endless Summer Nights" (🚫) "Right Here Waiting" (🛎).

But…what if you get crazy and accidentally add John & Yoko's "Double Fantasy"? MAYBE NOBODY KNOWS? (#MccartneyII #McCartneyEyeEye)

Good thing Tony and TJ, 98.9's Hot FM midday summer jamz expertz, know about Summer, The Beatles, and fantasies, dear mister! And the #TanTwo have generously assembled their own fantasy summer Beatles compilations to cure your summertime blues! So don't raise a fuss and don't raise a holler, Wisk helps get rid of ring around the collar! And:

 🦭 Do Arctic-adjacent kids who love art projects listen to a lot of Seals and Crafts? And was that really worth it?

 🪖 So, turns out Tony's a WW-Eye expert, huh?

 🍦 If Mike Love was flavor of ice cream, would he still be a d**k?



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Beatlesverse, Fantasy Albums UBP Producer Beatlesverse, Fantasy Albums UBP Producer

Ep. 129 | The Beatles’ (Fantasy) Country LP

Tony & T.J. aren’t just Beatles fans. Nah, son. Look at them arms. They country strong. LOOK AT THEM ARMS! G’ON, LOOK! NOW TOUCH THEM ARMS. TOUCH THEM. NOW SQUEAL LIKE A PIG…

And, like The Beatles, we at the UBP have a deep appreciation for classic Country music. (Western, however can go f**k itself. Got that, “Paint Your Wagon” soundtrack? #DrunkLeeMarvin)

Based on a great episode suggestion from perhaps our youngest listener, Owen (#ThanksO), this week Tony & T.J. assemble their fantasy takes on a Beatles Country album. And while they boot scoot boogie their way thru many Fab country tunes, they also ponder:

 ⚾️ Was Enrico Pallazzo on the legendary, literally-everybody's-heard-of-it, #FantasyRecords?

 😭 CLASSIC PARTY GAME ALERT! Let’s play “Pair someone from Tears For Fears with one of the Three Stooges!”

 🍆 Did anyone else watch “Skiffle After Dark” on Skinemax back in 1989? #LonnieDongagain



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